
All is Assuredly Well 

Books for Children in Same-Sex Families

All is Assuredly Well co-author, Dr. M.C. Gore, spent two hours on her 47th birthday on the witness stand in federal court testifying as an expert witness and a plaintiff against the City of Wichita Falls, Texas, when they passed and then enforced an ordinance designed to ban Heather Has Two Mommies and Daddy’s Roommate from the public library.  She was certified as an expert witness in federal court because she was a professor of human diversity and multicultural education with expertise in how the literary portrayal of persons from diverse groups affects children from those groups.  She was a plaintiff out of conscience. 

Professor Gore was an award-winning teacher from first grade through college who, on the first day of school for 36 years, wrote Maestro Wilson to tell him that she became the teacher she did because of his inspiration.

In addition to those 36 letters, Professor Gore is author of five books for teachers and parents; her books are shelved in more than a thousand libraries on every continent except Antarctica. 

She was born in New Mexico and lived the first thirty-some years of her life there.  After living another thirty years in Missouri and Texas, she has retired to Arkansas.

Professor Gore